Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Jen jsem se snažila trochu změnit název článku :D Dnes se nic moc nedělo. Byl vlastně docela klidný den. Sem tam nějaká komplikace, ale jinak super. S kamarádkou jsme dostaly chuť jít do kina a koupit si OBROVSKÝ popcorn a prostě se bavit. Snad se to splní!


I was just trying to change the name of article a bit :D Nothing happened today. It was a pretty peaceful day. Some complications maybe, but it was great anyways. Me and my friend decided to go to cinema and have a HUGE popcorn and just have fun. I hope that my dream is going to come true!


  1. Sizzling hot chocolate
    and coffee with a dash of liquer.
    A snowfall
    winter in paris
    chocolate chaux en hiver
    ballet slippers hanging from
    the ballet bars
    a grammophone left playing
    while no ones in the room.


  2. Tady máš úžasný vlasy! Ne, že bys jinak neměla:D

  3. Ta kosile je skvela, moc se mi libi!
